Drive thru- F you!


Got your attention?

Do you ever see those people sit in the drive-thru every morning at Starbucks for 15 minutes?  Or at the bank?  Go to restaurants and never really talk to the servers and ask how they are doing?  Yeah, me too…

I go inside everywhere I go. I make conversation and get to know everyone because I like people and it builds relationships. My assistant Sophie always asks why I do that because it takes longer to go into the bank, or Starbucks etc…

My answer = I love going into Starbucks because I know everyone that works there.  They know me, my order, what time I come in, who my wife is, what I do for a living, my hobbies etc… These are called personal relationships.  Personal relationships are part of life and by simply going into Starbucks, the bank, restaurants, the dry cleaners, etc… and conversing with people I:

1. get to converse and meet people I otherwise would not have met

2. I expand my business because people always know what I do for a living (mortgages)

When people get to know you as a person it makes it easier for them to approach you for advice on whatever it is you do (for me real estate).  I cannot begin to tell you how many people I have ended up talking to for 45 minutes just because I bumped into them at one of these places.

You cannot be a secret agent or a ninja.  People need to know you, your name and what you do in order to request your services.  Next time you pick up a cup of Joe, snag a bite to eat, or pick up your clothes from the dry cleaners:

1. go inside,

2. ask the person behind the counter their name, and how they are doing.

3. repeat this step 5 times and watch the relationships start….