Don’t let your reality “check” bounce


Self reflection is HUGE part of someone’s success.  You either realize it or you don’t.  Those that are successful do, and those that aren’t… well don’t.

Work ethic is something that most people would like to think they have.  They tell themselves how hard they work, how smart they work, how well they manage their time, how well they prioritize their tasks, what they do all day and what they are going to tomorrow.

The problem is today is over and they are still “talking” about what they are going to be doing.  Eventually tomorrow becomes today and many people find themselves sitting in neutral while others in their industry are in 5th gear and are passing them by.

Vision without action is merely a dream and action without vision just passes the time. Every single day I see people that have this great plan, these big dreams, lofty desires but, no action.  I also see people that are constantly “in action” trying new things, they jump on to the latest trends, try the newest phenomenon and forget to do the basics and really form a business plan. ( I know what a concept right).

When you yourself are passionate about life you will begin to instill positive thoughts and energy in others.  Drive is infectious, contagious and inspiring.  You have no idea how many lives you can change for the better by simply changing yours.  Push yourself to another level and watch those around you start to make positive changes as well.

Don’t be afraid to dream big, but don’t forget to formulate a plan when you wake up from that dream to help you attain everything you desire.  People are capable of so much more than they give themselves credit for BUT until someone can look themselves in the mirror and be honest with themselves about their plan, work ethic, path, strengths, weaknesses etc… They will simply be living in a fantasy land.

Be smart, be healthy, eat right, don’t drink too much, get enough sleep, work hard, play hard, love hard, hold yourself accountable, hold others accountable, demand a lot from yourself and others.  Set goals, write them down, look at them, verbalize them to others around you that you trust (it makes them real and now people can hold you accountable).  Cherish the victories, learn from the losses.  Be honest with yourself.  You will take steps back which is OK as long as you sprint to catch back up… and don’t ever give up.  You have so much more in you kid, and you were built for this.

Reality check.  Will yours bounce???